You love your site and we love your site, but there is a whole world of people out there who might not even know it exists. When they do find it, their first impression will either scare them away or keep them around. Given this, let's take a hard look at the questions and answers here and make sure newcomers see the site at its best!
Below you'll find ten questions randomly selected from this site. What do you think about each of them and their answers? Are they the best they can be or can they be improved? Would they look interesting and inviting to an outsider or are they a little embarrassing?
Upvote the corresponding post here on meta when we're awesome. Downvote when our content just isn't quite up to par.
Oh, and do comment to let everyone know your thoughts and take part in this conversation. :)
**Our feedback:**
We thought the question and answer quality was by and large pretty good, but we wanted to give you all more time to adjust to the name change and further tighten up your scope. You already made significant progress in that regard, and with the name of the site out of the way, you should be in a good position to take it a step further.
You also seem to be lagging behind a little on the number of avid users for a site your age. While the stat page lists your numbers as "excellent", if we take into account that the site is over a year old, they seem low.
So my advice at this point is to keep doing what you're doing - focus on content and scope, see about attracting more users, and vote appropriately to award reputation where it's due.
Overall, the level of participation in this evaluation was encouraging. Keep that up. Thank you, everyone who contributed. :) Barring anything going wrong on our end, we'll do this again in a few months.