There are consistent meta questions about the scope of this site. Even the mods ask questions in meta too. It seems to me that even a mod can't judge the scope of this site. What's the matter with the site? Should we consider sending this site back to Area 51 to redefine the scope?
I understand that it is up to the mods to judge whether the questions are on/off topic, but even the judges need something as a basis. It is clear that there are arguments over the scope.
The title of this site is "Fitness and Nutrition", so what is fitness and what is nutrition? According to the free online oxford dictionary:
fitness noun
1 the state of being physically healthy and strong
2 the state of being suitable or good enough for something
nutrition noun 1 the process by which living things receive the food necessary for them to grow and be healthy
And look at the FAQ of this site:
What kind of questions can I ask here?
Fitness and Nutrition - Stack Exchange is for physical fitness professionals, athletes, trainers, and those providing health-related needs. Topics include exercise and training, nutrition and diets, and activities related to strength, endurance, agility, and cardiovascular fitness.
So what is "those providing health-related needs"?
And diet:
diet noun
1 [countable, uncountable] the food that you eat and drink regularly
2 [countable] a limited variety or amount of food that you eat for medical reasons or because you want to lose weight; a time when you only eat this limited variety or amount
3 [singular] a diet of something (disapproving) a large amount of a restricted range of activities
These terms are all very confusing. Maybe we really need to shutdown this site to start over again. In my opinion, when I think of word "Fitness", I could think of a girl/boy doing moderate amount of exercise and control his/her calory intake by selecting healthy food. When I think like this, the orange/apple question is on topic......And when I think of the word "Nutrition", I am thinking carbos, fats, sugar, vitamins, minerals, don't you agree?
I was once an active user here, but then again some power user here really want to drive nutrition question out of here, so I am out of here too, until I would like to ask about some gym question.