Here at Stack Exchange we are all about making the Internet better by giving great answers to awesome questions. We do our best to create self-sufficient, self-organizing communities of experts and enthusiasts.
Periodically taking a critical look at the questions and answers is a big part of that. Meta sites often see people discussing specific questions that have been closed to determine whether or not they can (or should) be reopened, but it's rare that anyone looks at questions that are open and answered. Are they better than what the Internet has to offer? Are we making the Internet better?
We're trying out a few ways to get that kind of conversation started in our communities.
Below you'll find ten questions, picked at random from Fitness & Nutrition. Please take a look at each, and try to find the answer on Google - then compare what you find to the answer(s) given here. Leave comments and votes here to let everyone know whether Google has a leg up on us here, if we are way more awesome than any other site, or if we're somewhere in-between.
The goal here is for you to gauge how much effort you'd have to put in to answer the question if SE wasn't around and how the results stack up.
Thanks and have fun!