Linked Questions

11 votes
9 answers

Reviewing the site scope: balance between Fitness and Nutrition?

Lately I've been getting more worried about the scope of our site. First there's the problem with medical and general health questions popping up regularly and second the balance between Fitness and ...
Ivo Flipse's user avatar
  • 12.3k
10 votes
3 answers

Medical questions

There have been quite a few medical help related questions recently, e.g., Clicking and clicking noise with bench presses. And I, for one, have a problem with this. They cannot be answered the way a ...
Janis Peisenieks's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Are questions specifically about nutrition on-topic?

I joined this site because it says "Fitness and nutrition" and I care about the nutrition aspect. Specifically - I am going to play with the paleo diet. Unfortunately, this SE seems to be about ...
Trevoke's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Recover from injuries/illness posts are these considered fitness & nutrition?

Recovering from injuries or illness seems more like a medical condition than actual fitness & nutrition. Should these be filtered out? Just seems like post like these require medical attention ...
KJYe.Name's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What is our intended user base?

There's been some discussion of scope lately. Looking at the lousy number of questions and middling user numbers) it occurs to me that we're not really arguing about questions or scope. It's that ...
Dave Liepmann's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is this site in a state of chaos?

There are consistent meta questions about the scope of this site. Even the mods ask questions in meta too. It seems to me that even a mod can't judge the scope of this site. What's the matter with the ...
lamwaiman1988's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Are ergonomics on topic for fitness?

I've been searching for a new chair to sit in at home, and I'm wondering if Fitness is the best place to ask ergonomic-related questions. I've search other Stack Exchange sites, and there doesn't seem ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Questions about maintaining healthy eyesight welcome here?

Inspired by this answer, I was about to ask a question about how to maintain or improve my eyesight, especially as a Database Admin/Dev who spends plenty of time in front of the computer. However, it ...
Nick Chammas's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Are fitness general health questions on topic?

This is coming from the question on active versus passive stretching. From the help section on off topic - the rules of a sport a purchase recommendation nutrition unrelated to exercise, such as food ...
JohnP's user avatar
  • 23.1k
1 vote
0 answers

Blurred lines between health SE and Fitness SE

Looking at the site stats of the two sites, fitness needs a lot more work than health to become a healthy beta. Why don't we merge the sites when health has a lot of fitness themed questions and vice ...
Joao Noch's user avatar
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