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jmort253's user avatar
jmort253's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
Questions Needing Edits
Hi Nathan, one suggestion, make this community wiki or encourage others to locate questions that could be edited. Some of us have an eye for finding questions that need TLC, but we may not be the same people who can actually give the questions the TLC as we may not be in that same creative, editing mindset. :) Hope this helps!
Are questions about gym etiquette considered on topic?
Someone once said subjectivity in questions is okay, but it's the answers that I'd be most concerned about. Subjective answers can be dangerous. With that said, it could work out here, depending on how disciplined this community is about insisting on applying the "back it up" rule to help suppress discussion. (Which seems to be something that I recall seeing a lot of).
Regarding diet, is this site providing information, or spreading disinformation?
@michael - I would suggest adding comments under answers to these types of questions that don't provide references or research links. Downvotes are also another great tool in this area. Right or wrong, subjective answers without references should not be rewarded with upvotes, IMHO.
Regarding diet, is this site providing information, or spreading disinformation?
I think that yellow information box should show for higher reputation users or users who are asking questions for the first time on other SE sites. I myself haven't seen that yellow box in months and even forgot it was there. I find what you've posted to be useful as a PMSE moderator as it makes me agree more on your statement about not being afraid to downvote new users. Now that I've been reminded of the bounty of resources that are at new user's disposal to guide them, it's clear that those who are asking off-topic or poor questions are failing to pay attention to detail.
Can we get Youtube support turned on?
@Ivo - The concern that I have is that 'strict enforcement' doesn't really fall into the guidelines and principles in A Theory Of Moderation. Additionally, both concerns most likely apply to Screenshots in Posts as well, both in terms of moderation as well as in indexing content.
Should an answer to a website recommendation request contain screenshots and a complete review?
@Ivo - Why don't you put some instructions in the FAQ on how to post pictures? You can definitely do more to make that accessible, but I don't think everyone is going to want to do that. Unfortunately, not everyone is a SuperUser ;)
Moderator Pro Tem Announcement
Good job All! Keep up the good work!