We're actively looking for users who want to write blog posts!
I'm looking for help from users who want to help breath life into a Fitness.SE blog! On Super User we got officially blessed by Jeff and I honestly believe that Gaming should be able to deserve one as well.
On Super User we mainly started out with Questions of the Week, which help create a steady stream of content, because every week there's at least one notable question. or the rest we mainly focused on putting our users content in the spotlight, though Fitness.SE has the advantage that it has a topic that most of our users love doing: exercise! While some might think a QotW post would just be a matter of copy pasting, on the site we have to be on-topic and mainly focus on answering the question. Blog posts however, have a measure of artistic liberty, so you can add more context and interesting information.
We could for example blog about:
- your personal progress in some training program, working towards a goal,
- some awesome achievement or great result at a race, with pretty photo finishes and all!
- your favorite exercise gadget or machine (heart rate monitor or kettle bell),
- some basic explanations about nutrition or exercise physiology for the uninitiated,
- interviews with special or interesting users.
Off course, we're a small community as of yet and we don't get a ton of questions. But nearly everyone has interesting experiences to share! Lost 30 pounds? Your story on how you got there may inspire others to follow your example!
If you're interested please show your interest by posting an answer. Please also share your ideas about what we should be blogging about or how we should organize it.