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5 votes

What is our stance on questions asking about performance-enhancing drugs?

First, to clarify, yes, there are places where drugs are legal that are illegal elsewhere. That isn't an issue at point here. For steroid and other typical "illegal PED" questions, there is ...
JohnP's user avatar
  • 23.1k
4 votes

Questions about participations in run events

They would not be on topic on Fitness, as most of the questions we have are about how to improve your fitness. I believe this would be on topic on sports, as it is about the rules and points.
JohnP's user avatar
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3 votes

Should "general weight loss advice" be on-topic?

Six years later this bubbled up again here, and I'm referencing this q&a that weight loss (and body composition, overall) is a critical component of physical fitness. I'm sure there are some edge ...
Eric's user avatar
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3 votes

What fitness equipment is on topic?

If the question is about a product review, or similar, then it would be off topic. Bicycles could be on topic here, as could other questions that relate to items that have their own stack. Questions ...
JohnP's user avatar
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3 votes

Fitness device clarification

Stealing from BKE's comment a bit, my $0.02 is along those lines: I find the wording "gear and gadgets used during exercise" slightly ambiguous. Something like "gear and gadgets as it relates to ...
Eric's user avatar
  • 14.8k
2 votes

What is our stance on questions asking for datasets?

Something like that would be off topic for the site, as it's not really related to an ongoing fitness program.
JohnP's user avatar
  • 23.1k
1 vote

Are fitness general health questions on topic?

Flexibility training, yoga and similar are on topic, and indeed there are many questions already on the site around them. My contention with the question in question (hah! :D) is that it is an ...
JohnP's user avatar
  • 23.1k

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