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9 votes

Change required number of close votes?

Change to 3 Yes, I think the threshold should be lowered to 3 votes to close.
JohnP's user avatar
  • 23.1k
7 votes

Change required number of close votes?

This is now live! Thanks so much for your patience here while we got things worked out on our end. I've reviewed your history with closure on two points and find that it does look like this would be a ...
Catija's user avatar
  • 101
3 votes

Closing Questions - there has to be a better way

I'm an emt with a few other certs and training, and work for an emergency medical team in my county. For me, on the Internet I feel comfortable talking about typical exercise related health issues but ...
Eric's user avatar
  • 14.8k
2 votes

What to do about all the close votes (and offering a little help when closing)

We close without advice because as well meaning as we may be, the advice is likely to be unhelpful and even detrimental. For example, your advice to put on more weight by eating more is not backed up ...
michael's user avatar
  • 3,331
1 vote

Mental Health Questions

Personally, I hesitated to close it and instead left it up to the community. I encourage people to use their close vote whenever they see fit. As a moderator, my close vote instantly closes a question,...
Alec's user avatar
  • 18k
1 vote

Change required number of close votes?

No Change Keep the close threshold at 5 votes.
JohnP's user avatar
  • 23.1k
1 vote

What is this question asking about different exercise strategies opinion-based?

Reopened question as I've added sources per request -- not sure how else to open this other than adding a new reply.
Mike-DHSc's user avatar
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Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible