Can anyone explain why my question is closed as "Needs more focus"
I disagree with the closure, but I think the problem was that the title is confusing due to the fact that it contained four negatives, which I've bolded below.
"No pain doesn't mean that workout ...
Questions about routine recommendation
I don't really see a reason to close it as opinion-based. I agree that the user is well-intentioned, and we do indeed have the know-how to help them.
I don't even really see it as an opinionated thing....
Closing Questions - there has to be a better way
I'm an emt with a few other certs and training, and work for an emergency medical team in my county. For me, on the Internet I feel comfortable talking about typical exercise related health issues but ...
How is this question about barbell materials for outdoors opinion-based?
The issue with how the question is written is that it does not define what “best” means. Sure, we can talk about what materials have the best corrosion resistance, and that may be what makes equipment ...
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