As some of you know, my job as a member of team CHAOS is to promote the Fitness & Nutrition site. Part of that means rewarding our current users with awesome fitness swag! So I wanted to go straight to you guys and see what kinds of fitness supplies are on your wish list. The obvious benefit of this is that you'll get something cool to try out, and you'll also have the whole Fitness & Nutrition community around to answer whatever questions you have while doing so! Not to mention the fact that your questions will help our community grow.
So, does anybody have any ideas for fitness supplies they'd like to try out? Ivo and I have discussed this a little bit and he thinks that workout DVDs or games like Kinect would be cool. Other ideas are GPS Pedometers, Fitbits, home weight benches, etc. We want to give you guys stuff you want to try (and want to talk about), so throw some ideas out!
[Update:] Thanks to everyone who has replied to this! Great ideas all around. I want to wait a little while and see how these suggestions play out before sending out more equipment - feel free to keep answering, but just know that I might not be able to respond to all requests right away.