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6 votes

How do close votes work from the point of view of a moderator?

Moderators have always had the power of a one vote close. Most of the time I will let the community winds blow before I add my close vote, because as you note, it is binding. However, in some cases, ...
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Can we get more mods?

This is actually in review, and I think this week was an unfortunate congruence. I was out for a week competing at our World Championships, with (almost) no access to Stack Exchange, and Eric was also ...
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How do close votes work from the point of view of a moderator?

The one-vote-to-close isn't just a power for moderators; a moderator does not have the ability to issue a "normal" close vote. Echoing @johnp's answer, for that reason it's normal for moderators to be ...
G__'s user avatar
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3 votes

2022: a year in moderation

The "Questions closed" stat is particularly interesting, because I think it was in 2022 that we changed the number of close votes required to 3 instead of 5. So seeing that the community ...
Alec's user avatar
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2 votes

2021: a year in moderation

Action Moderators Community¹ Users suspended² 0 13 Users destroyed³ 14 0 Users deleted 21 0
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1 vote

2020: a year in moderation

"Questions Closed" is a touch better this year, 184 to 42. I'll refer back to my comment on these stats from last year. Did anything ever happen with changing the close vote requirement? It ...
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