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6 votes

How do close votes work from the point of view of a moderator?

Moderators have always had the power of a one vote close. Most of the time I will let the community winds blow before I add my close vote, because as you note, it is binding. However, in some cases, ...
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3 votes

How do close votes work from the point of view of a moderator?

The one-vote-to-close isn't just a power for moderators; a moderator does not have the ability to issue a "normal" close vote. Echoing @johnp's answer, for that reason it's normal for moderators to be ...
G__'s user avatar
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Congratulations to our ♦moderators JohnP, Alec, and C. Lange on their appointment today!

Thank you -- I am looking forward to working with JohnP and Alec. If anyone ever wants to discuss anything feel free to @ping me in the Locker Room chat. I am always free to discuss powerlifting and ...
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