I deliberately asked this question: https://fitness.stackexchange.com/questions/448/crash-2-3-hours-after-eating-pasta-is-this-unusual just outside of what seems comfortably on topic, aiming for "wellness related". It didn't get closed, but I'm not the only person a little uncomfortable with it.
If I had instead posed the query "I read here I should eat pasta 1-3 hours before exercise, but I'm lucky if I'm actually awake 2 hours after eating pasta. What gives?" there would be no question it were on topic.
Including nutrition in the site title of the site almost seems to imply such topics as "What should I feed a colicky baby to reduce gas?" are okay when it seems they are not.
On the other hand, in Are questions on recipes aceptable? @RobertCartaino suggests:
My stomach cannot handle citrus fruits but where else can I get my Vitamin C? — On topic
So, general nutrition questions are on topic nor not? If not I think it should be taken out of the title of the site.
Also, if not, does adding a superficial reference to fitness make it on topic? eg: "I'm a speed swimmer and my stomach cannot handle citrus fruits but where else can I get my Vitamin C?" And if not then, what is the difference between a constructive association between nutrition and fitness and a superficial one?